Triangles from support map function

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Triangles from support map function

Post by noone »

Hi all,

the title does say it all. Is there an easy way to retrieve triangle data from the support map function (convex objects) ?

I saw some engines just randomly collecting points from the support map and giving that points into a convex hull generator. I also stumbled across some code which I don't fully understand. I implemented the code from here ( ... /index.php) and it works for all my test cases, but I don't understand why or why it should always return a closed triangle surface :(

My understanding so far:

1) Go to the left, right, up, down, forward, backward and build a octrahedron (consisting of triangles) from it.
2) foreach triangle: support in the 3 directions defined by the triangle vertices. If the 3 resulting points are not the same subdivide the triangle
into 4 subtriangles. If the generation threshold is reached and we have a triangle with 3 different support points, add it to the final list.

Why does this work? What do you use for algorithms?

Code: Select all

public HullMaker(Shape shape, int generationThreshold)
		float distanceThreshold = 0.0f;

		if (generationThreshold < 0) generationThreshold = 4;

		Stack activeTriList = new Stack();

		Vector3[] v = new Vector3[] // 6 Array
			new Vector3( -1,  0,  0 ),
			new Vector3(  1,  0,  0 ),

			new Vector3(  0, -1,  0 ),
			new Vector3(  0,  1,  0 ),

			new Vector3(  0,  0, -1 ),
			new Vector3(  0,  0,  1 ),

		int[,] kTriangleVerts = new int[8,3] // 8 x 3 Array
			{ 5, 1, 3 },
			{ 4, 3, 1 },
			{ 3, 4, 0 },
			{ 0, 5, 3 },

			{ 5, 2, 1 },
			{ 4, 1, 2 },
			{ 2, 0, 4 },
			{ 0, 2, 5 }

		for (int i=0; i < 8; i++)
			ClipTri tri = new ClipTri();
			tri.n1			= v[ kTriangleVerts[i,0] ];
			tri.n2			= v[ kTriangleVerts[i,1] ];
			tri.n3			= v[ kTriangleVerts[i,2] ];
			tri.generation	= 0;

		List<Vector3> pointSet = new List<Vector3>();

		// surfaceTriList
		while (activeTriList.Count > 0)
			ClipTri tri = (ClipTri)activeTriList.Pop();

			Vector3 p1 = shape.GetSupportPoint( tri.n1 );
			Vector3 p2 = shape.GetSupportPoint( tri.n2 );
			Vector3 p3 = shape.GetSupportPoint( tri.n3 );
			//tri.n1 = p1;
			//tri.n2 = p2;
			//tri.n3 = p3;
			float d1 = (p2 - p1).LengthSquared();
			float d2 = (p3 - p2).LengthSquared();
			float d3 = (p1 - p3).LengthSquared();

			if ( Math.Max( Math.Max(d1, d2), d3 ) > distanceThreshold && tri.generation < generationThreshold )
				ClipTri tri1 = new ClipTri();
				ClipTri tri2 = new ClipTri();
				ClipTri tri3 = new ClipTri();
				ClipTri tri4 = new ClipTri();

				tri1.generation = tri.generation+1;
				tri2.generation = tri.generation+1;
				tri3.generation = tri.generation+1;
				tri4.generation = tri.generation+1;

				tri1.n1 = tri.n1;
				tri2.n2 = tri.n2;
				tri3.n3 = tri.n3;

				Vector3 n = 0.5f * (tri.n1 + tri.n2);

				tri1.n2 = n;
				tri2.n1 = n;
				tri4.n3 = n;

				n = 0.5f * (tri.n2 + tri.n3);

				tri2.n3 = n;
				tri3.n2 = n;
				tri4.n1 = n;

				n = 0.5f * (tri.n3 + tri.n1);

				tri1.n3 = n;
				tri3.n1 = n;
				tri4.n2 = n;

				ClipTri triKeep = new ClipTri();
				triKeep.n1 = p1;
				triKeep.n2 = p2;
				triKeep.n3 = p3;
				surfaceTriList.Add( triKeep );
