Math Module , Collada Module and Ray Module...

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Math Module , Collada Module and Ray Module...

Post by DimEkm »

Cause I don't want to make separated threads I created one with all my questions-requests.

Math Module:
I believe that a Math Module is going to be very helpFull when someone wants to create some complex thing in the python. Bullet off curse all ready have one. Is it going to be to hard to optimise it as Module for BGE or is it going to be too slow using it with Python so it is out of scope?

Collada Module:
I have seen the Collada viewer and I have to say that it's perfect. Is a Collada module planed for the BGE? The main scope of this request is that with a Module of Collada a saving proccess of a scene and the loading will be really easy as we are going to save the scene in a Collada format (Dae if I am not wrong ) and then load it back.

Ray Module:
I know we all ready have the ray sensor but ray collision detection is one of the most used in game dev. So if we had a ray module we may be able to make some more comlex staff.
Also I had recently a problem with ray sensor. I know that those thing are to old in the BGE and people had used to it but ray sensor it's always using local coordinates of the character I have been in a situation that I wanted to check in global coords but this was not possible.

Something off topic( almost ): Is an elispoid or anything similar collision detection to be used for characters planed?

I don't want to play it smart guy. I realy respect all of the work that had been done.
