Will improved collision be in 2.42(and other things)

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Will improved collision be in 2.42(and other things)

Post by Icoxo »

I want to know because I would like it if higher speed collision detection would be possible in 2.42, because you can make a dynamic ball, drop in from a nice height onto a plane and set the gravity to max and it will fall through, strange enough it doesn't fall through in the sumo engine.


1). when the object not riding another non dynamic object is fixed, will it also mean riding objects that rotate too. As in a rotating non dynamic donut and the objects go around the hole. I can get a dynamic donut with a bounding cylinder to get a square to rotate on it with the friction very low between the cylinder and the ground but when its non dynamic it doesn't move with the object.
2). This applies to all objects, but when using LinV and AngV on non dynamic objects and a box is placed on top of any one of those objects the object using Lin or AngV will stop a few seconds after the box is dropped on top of it. When using AngV it doesn't seem to stop if it's going fast enough.
3). This also applies to all objects, but make a long rectangular prism, set it on a plane, make it dynamic, set a key to make it rotate by dRot and put a static object in the way. It doesn't stop correctly when it hits the static object, if you're lucky the dynamic object will just spin out of control or go through it.
4). Will it be possible say, have a no collision actuator so an object won't collide with an object that has a certain property or material, like a ghost object that will go through walls but not the floor.
5). Will you be putting anisotropic friction back in anytime soon?
6). I just noticed that the shadow object in one of my game engine files isn't working when switching to bullet, will it be fixed?
7). How much performance increase are you projecting so far? Because I found one of my projects featuring a maze runs at 1 frame a second, well below what it was when I first made it back in 2.33. Rendered the whole level is just 8,000 tris and usually you see most of them.