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Collision order per step

Posted: Sun May 28, 2017 10:32 am
by TonyS
If I have a kinematic body K and a sensor over K named KS. (over = like a box, a little larger than K).

My purpose is to know that a foreign Dynamic body, D collided with KS before K.

As soon as something collides with the sensor KS, I want to change K into a Dynamic body (Kd) too.

To be able to do that, bullet should let me change those things after KS collision and before K collision.

Will that be guaranteed or can it be processed in the same step (which will break my solution)?

I added a simple drawing as attachment to this post. According to that, Is that guaranteed (or can it be guaranteed) to have enough time and thread access between "1" and "2" to change the K into Kd (dynamic body) ?
Screen Shot 2017-05-28 at 11.31.46.png