[GJK] Solving for lambda values

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John McCutchan
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[GJK] Solving for lambda values

Post by John McCutchan »

Hey guys, I decided to try putting the matrix from page 127 of Gino's book into matlab and getting the symbolic solution. I have added this to my gjk implementation. The results are so-so currently, and I'm kind blocked on what to do next. The problem is that in solve_lambdas3 & solve_lambdas4 the denominator can turn out to be zero sometimes. Has anyone else gone down this road? Any suggestions in avoiding the zero denominator would be greatly appreciated!

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    void solve_lambdas2 (int ibuf[4])
        scalar a = _subdot[ibuf[1]][ibuf[0]];
        scalar b = _subdot[ibuf[1]][ibuf[1]];
        _lambdas[ibuf[0]] = b/(-a+b);
        _lambdas[ibuf[1]] = -1.0/(-a+b)*a;

    void solve_lambdas3 (int ibuf[4])
        scalar a = _subdot[ibuf[1]][ibuf[0]];
        scalar b = _subdot[ibuf[1]][ibuf[1]];
        scalar c = _subdot[ibuf[1]][ibuf[2]];
        scalar d = _subdot[ibuf[2]][ibuf[0]];
        scalar e = _subdot[ibuf[2]][ibuf[1]];
        scalar f = _subdot[ibuf[2]][ibuf[2]];
        scalar denom = (d*b+a*f-f*b-d*c+e*c-e*a);
        pal_assert (denom != 0.0);
        scalar idenom = 1.0 / denom;
        _lambdas[ibuf[0]] = -(f*b-e*c) * idenom;
        _lambdas[ibuf[1]] = -(d*c-a*f) * idenom;
        _lambdas[ibuf[2]] =  (d*b-e*a) * idenom;
    void solve_lambdas4 (int ibuf[4])
#define a _subdot[ibuf[1]][ibuf[0]]
#define b _subdot[ibuf[1]][ibuf[1]]
#define c _subdot[ibuf[1]][ibuf[2]]
#define d _subdot[ibuf[1]][ibuf[3]]
#define e _subdot[ibuf[2]][ibuf[0]]
#define f _subdot[ibuf[2]][ibuf[1]]
#define g _subdot[ibuf[2]][ibuf[2]]
#define h _subdot[ibuf[2]][ibuf[3]]
#define i _subdot[ibuf[3]][ibuf[0]]
#define j _subdot[ibuf[3]][ibuf[1]]
#define k _subdot[ibuf[3]][ibuf[2]]
#define l _subdot[ibuf[3]][ibuf[3]]
        scalar denom = ((b*g-f*c-a*g+a*f+e*c-e*b)*l-e*d*k-b*h*k+e*b*k+f*d*k+j*c*h-j*d*g+i*d*g+a*h*k-i*b*g-a*f*k-a*j*h+a*j*g+e*j*d-e*j*c-i*c*h+i*f*c+i*b*h-i*f*d);
        pal_assert (denom != 0.0);
        scalar idenom = 1.0 / denom;
        _lambdas[ibuf[0]] = ((b*g-f*c)*l+j*c*h-b*h*k+f*d*k-j*d*g) * idenom;
        _lambdas[ibuf[1]] = -((-e*c+a*g)*l+i*c*h-a*h*k+e*d*k-i*d*g) * idenom;
        _lambdas[ibuf[2]] = -((e*b-a*f)*l-i*b*h+a*j*h-e*j*d+i*f*d) * idenom;
        _lambdas[ibuf[3]] = -(a*f*k-a*j*g-e*b*k+e*j*c+i*b*g-i*f*c) * idenom;
#undef a
#undef b
#undef c
#undef d
#undef e
#undef f
#undef g
#undef h
#undef i
#undef j
#undef k
#undef l
    void solve_lambdas ()
        int size = 0;
        int ibuf[4];
        size = get_indexes (ibuf);

        switch (size)
        case 1:
            _lambdas[ibuf[0]] = 1.0;
        case 2:
            solve_lambdas2 (ibuf);
        case 3:
            solve_lambdas3 (ibuf);
        case 4:
            solve_lambdas4 (ibuf);
            pal_assert (false);
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Post by gino »

A zero denominator denotes that your set of points is affinely dependent (a point can be expressed as an affine combination of the other points.) This can happen if your termination condition fails. My advise would be to postpone the division until you've found the proper subsimplex. For the proper simplex the numerators are all positive. Since the denominator is the sum of the numerators it is guaranteed to be non-zero for the proper subsimplex.

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John McCutchan
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Post by John McCutchan »

Gino, I tried what you suggested, but it made things worse. I'm sure I'm just doing something wrong. I won't have time to play with this for a little while, but Erwin requested the full source for this. Disclaimer: It doesn't work (yet).

Comments/Review appreciated.

http://www.continuousphysics.com/ftp/pu ... gjk_base.h

http://www.continuousphysics.com/ftp/pu ... c_gjk1.cpp
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Post by jalla »


Using memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this)) on classes with virtual functions is bad.
For an explanation see here:

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John McCutchan
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Post by John McCutchan »

So, here is a working version that tries to precalculate as much as possible
I get the same behaviour as the determinant, but I don't have any formalized tests.

Speaking of that, has anyone made an attempt at creating a test suite for gjk? I am very much interested in creating one. What orientations of convex objects produce the worst simplexes for gjk?

code snippet:

http://www.continuousphysics.com/ftp/pu ... c_gjk1.cpp