Bullet Constraint Bug Report.

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Joined: Wed Nov 20, 2013 4:14 pm

Bullet Constraint Bug Report.

Post by papaonn »

Hi guys,

I would like to report a bug since I have been asking around about this question few weeks ago but no solution to work out.
So I am guessing it could be a bug or so (I am not sure), hopefully someone could also try this out and let me know if I am the only one or it is really a bug and hoping the next release could fix this problem =)

My scenario is :
I build custom mesh based on btTriangleIndexVertexArray, and when I apply constraint (btHingeConstraint) to it with another primitive object (say sphere / box), the pivot points are wrong and suddenly the object is losing control and trembling. I tried with other non-btTriangleIndexArray object and it worked fine.

Thank you for everyone =)