Trouble with ray testing

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Joined: Fri Dec 04, 2015 10:30 pm

Trouble with ray testing

Post by aFerreira »


I am trying to implement a player controllable character using a btRigidBody, and im having trouble with using ray testing to determine if the character can/cannot jump. The issue is that the following error appears when trying to perform the rayTest:
"Overflow in AABB, object removed from simulationIf you can reproduce this, please email
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The function for the ray testing is the following:

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void humanoid::rayCastForJumping (void)
        btTransform xform;
    	m_humanoidRigidBody->getMotionState()->getWorldTransform (xform);
    	btVector3 down = -xform.getBasis()[1];
    	down.normalize ();

        btVector3 raySource, rayTarget;

    	raySource = xform.getOrigin();
    	rayTarget = raySource + (down * m_height/2.0 * btScalar(1.1));

        btCollisionWorld::ClosestRayResultCallback ray(raySource, rayTarget);
        m_ownerWorld->rayTest(raySource, rayTarget, ray);

        if (ray.hasHit())
            const btRigidBody* hit = btRigidBody::upcast(ray.m_collisionObject); // find what the ray hit

            if(hit != m_humanoidRigidBody) // If the ray doesn't hit the player itself
                m_rayLambda = ray.m_closestHitFraction;
                std::cout<<"Ray has hit the player collision box, please adjust parameters in humanoid ray cast"<<std::endl;
            m_rayLambda = 1.0;

I have isolated the issue to

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m_ownerWorld->rayTest(raySource, rayTarget, ray);
but unfortunately this is the function that performs the actual ray test and its not evident (to me) from the error what is wrong. Also the character uses a capsule for collision detection purposes.

Can you guys help me, or at least point me in the right direction? If you need anything else please ask. Thanks in advance.