Problem with vehicle collisions

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Joined: Wed Jul 06, 2016 4:05 pm

Problem with vehicle collisions

Post by flavio »

Hi! I am using Bullet from Panda3D. I have a problem: I can't get working collisions using Bullet's vehicle. I am using a box shape for the car and a triangle mesh shape for the terrain. My problem is that the car "enters" into the terrain. Here is a video of the issue:

Here is a video of the issue with the debug enabled:

Here is the source code.

Code: Select all

from direct.gui.OnscreenText import OnscreenText
from direct.showbase.ShowBase import ShowBase
from panda3d.bullet import BulletWorld, BulletDebugNode, BulletBoxShape, \
    BulletRigidBodyNode, BulletTriangleMesh, BulletTriangleMeshShape, \
from panda3d.core import TransformState

class VehicleTest(ShowBase, object):

    def __init__(self, configuration=None, domain=''):
        self.taskMgr.add(self.update, 'Engine::update')

    def setup_physics(self):
        self.world_phys = BulletWorld()
        self.world_phys.setGravity((0, 0, -9.81))

    def setup_track(self):
        self.track_model = loader.loadModel('assets/track/track')

        collision_models = self.track_model.findAllMatches('**/Road*')
        map(lambda mod: mod.hide(), collision_models)

        for geom in self.find_geoms(self.track_model, 'Road'):
            mesh = BulletTriangleMesh()
            np = render.attachNewNode(BulletRigidBodyNode())
            np.node().addShape(BulletTriangleMeshShape(mesh, dynamic=False))

    def setup_car(self):
        self.car_np = render.attachNewNode(BulletRigidBodyNode())
        self.car_np.set_pos(-100, -20, 2)
        self.chassis_np = self.loader.loadModel('assets/car/car')
        self.wheels_np = []
        for _ in range(4):
            self.wheels_np += [self.loader.loadModel('assets/car/wheel')]

        chassis_shape = BulletBoxShape((.8, 1.4, .4))
        transform_state = TransformState.makePos((0, .05, .5))
        self.car_np.node().addShape(chassis_shape, transform_state)
        self.vehicle = BulletVehicle(self.world_phys, self.car_np.node())

        wheels_info = [
            ((.75, .9, .3), True, 0),
            ((-0.75, .9, .3), True, 1),
            ((.75, -0.9, .3), False, 2),
            ((-0.75, -0.9, .3), False, 3)]
        def add_wheel(pos, front, idx):
            wheel = self.vehicle.createWheel()
            wheel.setWheelDirectionCs((0, 0, -1))
        map(lambda (pos, front, idx): add_wheel(pos, front, idx), wheels_info)

    def update(self, task):
        car_pos = self.car_np.get_pos() - 15, car_pos.y - 15, car_pos.z + 5), car_pos.y, car_pos.z)
        map(lambda idx: self.vehicle.applyEngineForce(2000, idx), [2, 3])
        self.world_phys.doPhysics(globalClock.getDt(), 10, 1 / 60.0)
        return task.cont

    def set_debug(self):
        def toggle_debug():
            is_hidden = self.debug_np.isHidden()
            ( if is_hidden else self.debug_np.hide)()
        OnscreenText('press F9 for physics debug', pos=(0, -.9))
        self.accept('f9', toggle_debug)
        self.debug_np = self.render.attachNewNode(BulletDebugNode('Debug'))

    def find_geoms(self, model, name):
        def sibling_names(node):
            siblings = node.getParent().getChildren()
            return [child.getName() for child in siblings]

        named_geoms = [
            geom for geom in model.findAllMatches('**/+GeomNode')
            if any([s.startswith(name) for s in sibling_names(geom)])]
        in_vec = [name in named_geom.getName() for named_geom in named_geoms]
        indexes = [i for i, el in enumerate(in_vec) if el]
        return [named_geoms[i] for i in indexes]

Do you have any idea of the possible cause of this problem? What can I try? Thank you very much for the help!
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Location: Bern, Switzerland

Re: Problem with vehicle collisions

Post by benelot »

Not sure but it looks like your gravity is in z direction, am I wrong?

Second of all, make you car a bit lighter, that might make it harder for it to tunnel trough the terrain. Furthermor, what is the time step of your simulation? You can imagine your cars being moved in discrete steps along the terrain and now it faces the change of slope of the terrain, where it tunnels through the terrain as it steps too far along its current direction of motion.

Let us see what this does.
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Joined: Wed Jul 06, 2016 4:05 pm

Re: Problem with vehicle collisions

Post by flavio »

Hi benelot, thank you for your answer! :)
benelot wrote:Not sure but it looks like your gravity is in z direction, am I wrong?
You're right: I'm using Panda3D, and they use the Z-axis as the vertical one.
benelot wrote:Second of all, make you car a bit lighter, that might make it harder for it to tunnel trough the terrain.
I tried a lot of values for its mass, but the problem is still here. :(
benelot wrote:Furthermor, what is the time step of your simulation? You can imagine your cars being moved in discrete steps along the terrain and now it faces the change of slope of the terrain, where it tunnels through the terrain as it steps too far along its current direction of motion.
The time step is 1/60 seconds. I modified this value, I tried smaller values, but it doesn't solve. Are there other possible causes? Thank you very much! :)
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Location: Bern, Switzerland

Re: Problem with vehicle collisions

Post by benelot »


Sorry for not writing back. Could you solve the issue? I am still wondering what the issue could be. Unfortunately I am not very knowledgable about the setup of bullet Panda3D uses.
Posts: 3
Joined: Wed Jul 06, 2016 4:05 pm

Re: Problem with vehicle collisions

Post by flavio »

Hi! No, I didn't solve the issue. Thank you!