Clipping and contacts using SAT

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Clipping and contacts using SAT

Post by c0der »


I am trying to support a variable timestep as follows since I am having problems when loading terrains, which slow the frame rate and fixing this to 60Hz is no longer adequate.

I fix the timestep to less than 0.005f and the simulation is stable when stacking boxes. When I raise this further, the boxes start interpenetrating and there is added bounce due to the bias. I have tried upping my impulse iterations to 50+ and there is still instability.

The penetration depth I am using for all contacts is that returned by the separating axis test as the axis of least penetration and this has been successful in my previous simulations.

What am I doing wrong?

Code: Select all

bool AMG3DGLPhysicsWorld::render(AMG3DPlane *pFrustumPlanes, float dt, bool bWireFrame)
	const int MAX_STEPS = 5;
	AMG3DPhysicsWorld::g_AMG3D_sFixedTimestepAccumulator += dt;
	const int iSteps = (int)floor(AMG3DPhysicsWorld::g_AMG3D_sFixedTimestepAccumulator / AMG3D_PHYSICS_FIXED_TIMESTEP);

	if(iSteps > 0) {
        AMG3DPhysicsWorld::g_AMG3D_sFixedTimestepAccumulator -= iSteps * AMG3D_PHYSICS_FIXED_TIMESTEP;

    AMG3DPhysicsWorld::g_AMG3D_sFixedTimestepAccumulatorRatio = AMG3DPhysicsWorld::g_AMG3D_sFixedTimestepAccumulator / AMG3D_PHYSICS_FIXED_TIMESTEP;
	const int iStepsClamped = min(iSteps, MAX_STEPS);

	for(int i=0; i<iStepsClamped; ++i) {
		// Clear the vertex and index arrays
		m_iCntTriangleListVertices = -1;
		m_iCntLineListVertices = -1;
		m_iCntPointListVertices = -1;


//		integrateForces(AMG3D_PHYSICS_FIXED_TIMESTEP);

		// Compute the masses seen by the impulses (preStep in Box2D)


//		updatePosition(AMG3D_PHYSICS_FIXED_TIMESTEP, bWireFrame);
		updatePosition(0.006f, bWireFrame);

	for(unsigned int i=0; i<m_RigidBodies.size(); ++i) {

	return true;
Dirk Gregorius
Posts: 861
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Location: Kirkland, WA

Re: Clipping and contacts using SAT

Post by Dirk Gregorius »

I never supported varying timesteps, but I think you need to multiply your accumulated impulse by the ratio of the last and current timestep. I would check out Box2D. Also note that you the simulation will indeed go unstable if the timestep gets too large!
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Re: Clipping and contacts using SAT

Post by c0der »

Thanks Dirk. I have gone through the Box2D code and I couldn't find where the variable timestep was used, only for profiling. In the manual, it says that it uses a fixed timestep of 60Hz. Box2D lite is also too fast on my PC and this is not realistic when I load a terrain, perform collisions, which slows the frame rate and the physics slows down with it.

How did you go about getting a consistent physics simulation without supporting a variable timestep? I am using a fixed timestep but using that previous bit of code I pasted to keep the frame rate consistent for the physics.

Also, in Box2D lite, one thing that differs from my impulse code is the calculation in the preStep function, where in 2D, an orthonormal basis is built for the tangent vector. Here is my code that builds an orthonormal basis and preStep code, can you find anything wrong with it, it's causing instabilities when I activate friction?

Code: Select all

void AMG3DRigidBodyCollisionResponder::computeMasses(AMG3DScalar dt)


	//m_dt = dt;

	const AMG3DScalar k_allowedPenetration = 0.01f;
	AMG3DScalar k_biasFactor = (AMG3DPhysicsWorld::g_AMG3D_bPositionCorrection) ? 0.2f : 0.0f;

	for(int i=0; i<m_cdContactData.iNumContacts; ++i) {
		AMG3DVector4 normal = m_cdContactData.vContactNormal;

		AMG3DVector4 rap = m_cdContactData.contacts[i].vContactPoint - m_pRigidBody1->position;
		AMG3DVector4 rbp = m_cdContactData.contacts[i].vContactPoint - m_pRigidBody2->position;

		AMG3DVector4 rapcrossn = rap.cross(normal);
		AMG3DVector4 rbpcrossn = rbp.cross(normal);

		// Compute the normal mass
		AMG3DScalar Kn = m_pRigidBody1->invMass + m_pRigidBody2->invMass;
		Kn += ( (m_pRigidBody1->invIWorld*rapcrossn).cross(rap) + (m_pRigidBody2->invIWorld*rbpcrossn).cross(rbp) ).dot(normal);
		m_cdContactData.contacts[i].massNormal = 1.0f/Kn;

		AMG3DVector4 vap = m_pRigidBody1->velocity + m_pRigidBody1->angularVelocity.cross(rap);
		AMG3DVector4 vbp = m_pRigidBody2->velocity + m_pRigidBody2->angularVelocity.cross(rbp);

		// Relative velocity
		AMG3DVector4 vab = vap - vbp;
		// Calculate the tangent vector
		AMG3DVector4 tangent = vab - normal*(;

		// Ensure the tangent vector is non-zero
		if(tangent.magnitude()<AMG3D_PHYSICS_EPSILON) {
			AMG3DVector4 tangent1, tangent2;
			normal.buildOrthoBasis(&tangent1, &tangent2);
			tangent = tangent1 + tangent2;

		AMG3DVector4 rapcrosst = rap.cross(tangent);
		AMG3DVector4 rbpcrosst = rbp.cross(tangent);

		// Compute the tangent mass
		AMG3DScalar Kt = m_pRigidBody1->invMass + m_pRigidBody2->invMass;
		Kt += ( (m_pRigidBody1->invIWorld*rapcrosst).cross(rap) + (m_pRigidBody2->invIWorld*rbpcrosst).cross(rbp) ).dot(tangent);
		m_cdContactData.contacts[i].massTangent = 1.0f/Kt;

		// Compute the bias (prevents sinking, useful for stacking)
		m_cdContactData.contacts[i].bias = k_biasFactor / dt * Max(0.0f, m_cdContactData.contacts[i].fPenetrationDepth - k_allowedPenetration);

		if(AMG3DPhysicsWorld::g_AMG3D_bAccumulateImpulses) {
			AMG3DVector4 P = m_cdContactData.contacts[i].Pn*normal + m_cdContactData.contacts[i].Pt*tangent;

			m_pRigidBody1->velocity			+= P*m_pRigidBody1->invMass;
			m_pRigidBody1->angularVelocity	+= m_pRigidBody1->invIWorld*rap.cross(P);
			m_pRigidBody2->velocity			-= P*m_pRigidBody2->invMass;
			m_pRigidBody2->angularVelocity	-= m_pRigidBody2->invIWorld*rbp.cross(P);

void AMG3DVector4::buildOrthoBasis(AMG3DVector4 *pTangent1, AMG3DVector4 *pTangent2)
	// Spherical coords
	// x = r*sin(theta)*sin(phi)
	// y = r*cos(phi)
	// z = r*cos(theta)*sin(phi)
	// r = 1 (Normalized vector)
	// Where 0<=theta<=2PI and 0<=phi<=PI
	// For the following original basis vectors:
	// [ 1 0 0 ] theta=PI/2 and phi=PI/2
	// [ 0 1 0 ] theta=0->2PI and phi=0
	// [ 0 0 1 ] theta=0,2PI and phi=PI/2

	//AMG3DScalar phi = acosf(y);
	//AMG3DScalar div = z/sinf(phi);
	//AMG3DScalar theta = (phi==0.0f || phi==AMG3D_PI) ? theta=0.0f : acosf(z/sinf(phi));
	//phi -= AMG3D_PI/2;
	//theta -= AMG3D_PI/2;

	//(*pTangent1) = AMG3DVector4(sinf(theta)*sinf(phi), cosf(phi), cosf(theta)*sinf(phi));
	//AMG3DVector4Cross(pTangent2, *pTangent1, *this);

	AMG3DPlane XY(AMG3DVector4(0,0,1), AMG3DVector4(0,0,0), 0, 0), 
			   YZ(AMG3DVector4(1,0,0), AMG3DVector4(0,0,0), 0, 0),
			   XZ(AMG3DVector4(0,1,0), AMG3DVector4(0,0,0), 0, 0);

	AMG3DVector4 v = *this;
	AMG3DScalar vdotz = fabsf(,
				vdotx = fabsf(,
				vdoty = fabsf(;

	if(vdotz<AMG3D_MATH_DOT_PRODUCT_EPSILON) { // Vector is in the XY plane
		(*pTangent1) = XY.m_vNormal;
	else if(vdotx<AMG3D_MATH_DOT_PRODUCT_EPSILON) { // Vector is in the YZ plane
		(*pTangent1) = YZ.m_vNormal;
	else if(vdoty<AMG3D_MATH_DOT_PRODUCT_EPSILON) { // Vector is in the XZ plane
		(*pTangent1) = XZ.m_vNormal;
	else { // If vector is in neither plane, it has three non-zero components
			(*pTangent1) = AMG3DVector4(-v.y, v.x, 0);
			(*pTangent1) = AMG3DVector4(v.y, -v.x, 0);

	AMG3DVector4Cross(pTangent2, v, *pTangent1);
Dirk Gregorius
Posts: 861
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Location: Kirkland, WA

Re: Clipping and contacts using SAT

Post by Dirk Gregorius »

I am not sure about your effective mass calculation. Looks weird. It should be:
Kn = InvM1 + InvM2 + ( r1 x n )^T * InvI1 * ( r1 x n ) + ( r2 x n )^T * InvI2 * ( r2 x n ) +

You can implement v^T * A * v as Dot( v, A * v ) where A * v is matrix times vector.
The effective mass can be computed the same for friction constraints. Just swap n with your tangent vector.

For the tangent creation look into btPlaneSpace(). You can search the forum for this. I commented on this before.
Dirk Gregorius
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Re: Clipping and contacts using SAT

Post by Dirk Gregorius »

Oh and you need two tangent constraints. One is not enough!
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Re: Clipping and contacts using SAT

Post by c0der »

Thanks Dirk. I didn't use constraints to derive the impulses, but I think I will give that a go now since regular impulses don't seem to be adequate in my varied timestep.

I derive the impulse as follows based on the coefficient of restitution equation:

e = vba' / vab

Rel vel in the direction of the contact nomal = vab.n = (vap - vbp).n = (va + Cross(wa, ra) - vb - Cross(wb, rb)).n

And so on, as in Erin Catto's GDC slides. I will however compare the behaviour non-penetration and friction constraints with the conventional derivation.
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Re: Clipping and contacts using SAT

Post by c0der »

Problem solved. The problem was with the contact manifold and this was masked in the small timestep I was using. After drawing the manifold and outputting some data, the simulation is near perfect. I can now use 100 iterations on 6 bodies without slowing my frame rate due to the handling of the fixed timestep at 60hz.

Hopefully this link will help someone. ... -timestep/

Thanks a lot for your help in various posts, I have learned a lot.
Dirk Gregorius
Posts: 861
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Location: Kirkland, WA

Re: Clipping and contacts using SAT

Post by Dirk Gregorius »

I liked this one as well:

The Essential Math site has a lot of good stuff. I also recommend the book.