load .bullet file

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load .bullet file

Post by mi076 »

... just a spin-off from one project... You can load .bullet file and run simulation, viewing it with Bullet's debugDrawWorld()... Load is in verbose mode, all output goes into 'stdout.txt' file. Honestly, it is not hard to load .bullet file. But anyway... might be useful for someone.
W,S,A,D and mouse: move
ESCAPE release mouse, enter GUI, pause sim
F1 toggle display wireframe (default on)
F2 toggle display contact points (default off)
F3 toggle display aabbs (default off)
F4 toggle display constraints (default off)
F11 toggle Bullet info
Hold SPACE to dump full profile info every step
(also written to 'stdout.txt').
See GUI Physics options.

http://game-ws.googlecode.com/files/bul ... r_r834.zip

Edit: click at the object to apply impulse